Frédérique Le Roux
Principal Investigator/Professor
Telephone : 514 343-6111 #1903 (Lab)
Office : P-606
My favorite scientific question is “how is parasitism a sustainable biological relationship?” I addressed this question through the study of various microbes, the human Epstein Barr virus (doctoral thesis at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and post doctorate at the Institut Gustave Roussy), protozoa parasites of bivalve molluscs (post doctorate at Ifremer), bacteria of the Vibrio genus pathogenic in oysters, shrimp or corals (Ifremer, Institut Pasteur in Paris, Harvard Medical School in Boston; Roscoff Biological Station) and more recently viruses which infect Vibrios, the bacteriophages.
Holder of the Canada Research Chair of Excellence “Eco-Evo-Patho of microbes in nature”, Full Professor at the University of Montreal since September 2023 and IVADO member, I aspire to create a team of enthusiasts, followers of “non-model” organizations, a diverse, equitable, inclusive and committed team to eco-responsible approaches.
From a personal point of view, I love to travel, art in all its forms of expression, nature and good food with nice people.