
May 2024

  • Among the many conferences Frédérique has been giving lately, this last conference was in our Microbiology Department at UdeM. She presented some previous results, as well as future projects and unpublished results. We had a lot of very interesting questions and brainstorming of ideas!

April 2024

  • IVADO’s contribution aims to facilitate the integration and influence of a new professor within the Canadian university reality and to contribute to the launch of her research career. This award correlates with our aim to dissect coevolution mechanisms by analyzing, bacterial defenses, cross-infection matrices and phage accessory genomes, potentially revealing a diverse array of anti-defense systems. Congratulations Frédérique!

  • Manon participated in the Microphiles Seminar in our Department of Microbiology, here at UdeM. Since she just started her project, she told us about her previous PhD projet in France. Well done Manon!

    Here we can see Manon summarizing the post-doc project in our lab!
  • Frédérique has been busy lately! She gave a conference at Laval University talking about the lab’s upcoming projects. We are so happy that more people within the academic environment are getting to know us and the lab! Great job Frédérique!

  • We added two new members to the lab! Manon is our first Post-doc, and Vicky will be the Principal Project Coordinator of the CERC. We are so glad you joined us!

March 2024

  • The lab continues growing, we now received Martin. He will be our Scientific advisor (nature and life).

January 2024

  • The lab starts taking some shape! Our first member, Carine, started working in the lab as a Lab Manager. Welcome Carine!

December 2023

  • In her first presentation, Frédérique explained the importance of studying antibiotic resistance, as well as the different projects that will start in the new lab. And she had to do all this in 180 seconds! Great job Frédérique!

September 2023

  • Frédérique has arrived in Montreal and started building her lab in the Faculty of Medicine at UdeM.

June 2023