Generalists in a Specialist World: Vibrio-Phages with Broad Host Range

Excited to share our latest preprint on the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms behind the generalism of marine bacteriophages: the Schizotequatrovirus (T4 giant vibriophage). This work represents another great collaboration with Eduardo Rocha (Pasteur Institute) and a relay effort from my lab in Roscoff to the University of Montréal.

In this study, we explore these fascinating large-genome phages, showing that recombination plays a pivotal role in expanding host range, particularly through the exchange of receptor-binding proteins and anti-defense systems. Interestingly, generalist Schizotequatroviruses preferentially infect generalist vibrios in open seawater, in contrast to specialist phages targeting patho-phylotypes involved in oyster disease. We also discuss the genetic and ecological trade-offs that shape their rarity and their potential for future biocontrol applications. Check it out !